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An Open Source power system simulator to quantify the adequacy or the economic performance of interconnected energy systems, at short or remote time horizons.
lang: C
stars: 58
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A traffic simulation game exploring how small changes to roads affect cyclists, transit users, pedestrians, and drivers.
lang: Rust
stars: 7.7K
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SLIDE is a C++ code that simulates degradation of lithium ion cell.
lang: C++
stars: 113
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A software environment for modeling and simulation of complex landscape systems.
lang: C++
stars: 28
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Aims to provide a modern framework to investigate integrated assessment models of sustainable development, based on current software engineering and scientific machine learning techniques.
lang: Julia
stars: 66
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Pythonic particle-based warm-rain/aqueous-chemistry cloud microphysics package.
lang: Python
stars: 60
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Used in distributed- and co-simulation scenarios and developed for the field of power grid simulation at the EON Energy Research Center in Aachen.
lang: C++
stars: 13
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Provides a powerful simulation toolkit for thermal engineering plants such as power plants, district heating systems or heat pumps.
lang: Python
stars: 286
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An R package that facilitates flexible, rapid, and reproducible fisheries stock assessment simulation testing with the widely-used Stock Synthesis statistical age-structured stock assessment framework.
lang: R
stars: 39
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Fast and flexible physics-based battery models in Python.
lang: Python
stars: 1.1K
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