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R package for analysis and visualisation of biological signals in weather radar data.
lang: R
stars: 27
last activity:
A computer platform for ensemble forecasting of species distributions, enabling the treatment of a range of methodological uncertainties in models and the examination of species-environment relationships.
lang: R
stars: 75
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An R interface to many National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data sources.
lang: R
stars: 326
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A web-based application for solving complex conservation scenarios using concepts of systematic conservation planning.
lang: R
stars: 6
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An R package to select, download and read climate data from the German Weather Service.
lang: R
stars: 67
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Tool to pull and process NWFSC West Coast groundfish survey data for use in PFMC groundfish stock assessments.
lang: R
stars: 10
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Uses mixed integer linear programming techniques to provide a flexible interface for building and solving conservation planning problems.
lang: R
stars: 118
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R package that facilitates the download, analysis and visualisation of phytoplankton and zooplankton data.
lang: R
stars: 4
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Provides easy access to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts web API services and Copernicus Climate Data Store from within R, matching and expanding upon the ECMWF Python tools.
lang: R
stars: 97
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An R package that facilitates flexible, rapid, and reproducible fisheries stock assessment simulation testing with the widely-used Stock Synthesis statistical age-structured stock assessment framework.
lang: R
stars: 39
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Provides a series of convenience functions to fit integrated Species Distribution Models.
lang: R
stars: 20
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An R package that fits spatial and spatiotemporal predictive-processes for species distribution models.
lang: R
stars: 179
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The Predictive Ecosystem Analyzer is an integrated ecological bioinformatics toolbox.
lang: R
stars: 198
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R tools to access open data from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
lang: R
stars: 229
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An R Package for NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Data Visualization and Processing.
lang: R
stars: 151
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