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Plant phenotyping using computer vision.
lang: Python
stars: 612
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Create daily survey station daily temperature and anomaly plots as the ships work their way through the Bering Sea.
lang: R
stars: 7
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A modular, open-source hardware and software platform that allows for high-throughput quantitative imaging of plankton samples in aquatic biology and ecology.
lang: Shell
stars: 51
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Uses mixed integer linear programming techniques to provide a flexible interface for building and solving conservation planning problems.
lang: R
stars: 118
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Empowering people around the world to gain a better understanding of land cover dynamics in forest management by facilitating the efficient access and use of Earth observation data.
lang: JavaScript
stars: 202
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The Koster Seafloor Observatory is an open-source, citizen science and machine learning approach to analyse subsea movies.
lang: Python
stars: 4
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Python client for iNaturalist, a community science platform that helps people get involved in the natural world by observing and identifying the living things around them.
lang: Python
stars: 121
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Enable users to visualise a habitat connectivity risk index for agriculture using their own parameter values.
lang: R
stars: 7
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Coordinates the digital capture of tree growth data in the field, allowing to establish employment for people living in extreme poverty based on tree planting.
lang: Kotlin
stars: 87
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A GBIF-based early alert system for invasive species.
lang: Python
stars: 7
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A multi-criteria decision support platform for informing reef restoration and adaptation interventions.
lang: Julia
stars: 11
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An R Package for NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Data Visualization and Processing.
lang: R
stars: 148
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A package built to enable interoperability and scalability in ocean sonar data processing.
lang: Python
stars: 82
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A multi-agent simulator for individual-based modeling in population dynamics and ecotoxicology.
lang: Smalltalk
stars: 10
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R package that facilitates the download, analysis and visualisation of phytoplankton and zooplankton data.
lang: R
stars: 4
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