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Gives you access to real-time and historical surface-based weather and environmental observations for thousands of stations.
lang: Python
stars: 48
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A web application developed by NASA EOSDIS to enable data discovery, search, comparison, visualization, and access across EOSDIS' Earth Science data holdings.
lang: JavaScript
stars: 752
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The mission of Project Drawdown is to help the world reach "Drawdown"— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.
lang: Python
stars: 216
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Download and process GOES-16 and GOES-17 data from NOAA's archive on AWS using Python.
lang: Python
stars: 200
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An R package for automatic download and preprocessing of MODIS Land Products Time-Series.
lang: R
stars: 152
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These tools help you to assess if a financial portfolio aligns with climate goals.
lang: R
stars: 12
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Provides a neutral and ontology-driven standard for government agencies, industry, nonprofits and consumers to name and reference food products and their components throughout the food supply chain.
lang: Python
stars: 178
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A remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR constellations, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
lang: Python
stars: 297
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A tool to identify disadvantaged communities due to environmental, socioeconomic and health burdens.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 133
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Help us build the most accessible and accurate climate tech resource on the planet.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 80
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Receive and decode images from weather satellites via radio signals.
lang: Rust
stars: 597
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R tools to access open data from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
lang: R
stars: 235
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Discover a meaningful way to contribute to open source projects focused on climate technology and sustainability.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 36
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A domain ontology of the energy-system modeling context.
lang: Python
stars: 108
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A family of tools for quantifying the values of natural capital in clear, credible, and practical ways.
lang: Python
stars: 166
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