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Develop an open source technology platform to help local community leaders practice Integrated Landscape Management.
lang: Python
stars: 21
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A modular system to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and removals by the land sector.
lang: C++
stars: 57
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A tool to collect data for OpenAQ platform.
lang: JavaScript
stars: 83
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A water resources model, designed to be the replacement of the regional surface water modules Mozart and SIMRES in the Netherlands Hydrological Instrument.
lang: Julia
stars: 34
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This framework includes an encapsulation strategy which focuses on the hydrologic data first, and then builds a functional abstraction of hydrologic behavior.
lang: C++
stars: 76
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Help developers compile and evaluate water quality data for samples collected from surface water monitoring sites on streams and lakes.
lang: R
stars: 32
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Landscape Metrics for Categorical Map Patterns in R.
lang: R
stars: 221
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Groundwater Wells and Aquifers application for the Ministry of Environment in British Columbia.
lang: Python
stars: 27
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See your city's air pollution measured in daily cigarettes.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 474
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Using global reanalyses for permafrost simulation.
lang: Python
stars: 19
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The program under development here seeks to effectively manage the traversal of a network of streams with defined hydraulic properties specifically for the purpose of hydraulic routing in an operational flood and water resources forecasting system.
lang: Python
stars: 37
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Interact with the UK AIR Pollution Database from DEFRA.
lang: R
stars: 16
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A collection of water quality and vegetation process simulation modules designed to couple with water transport models.
lang: Python
stars: 4
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Simple parser for soil properties measurements.
lang: Python
stars: 30
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Simplified Access to NCSS Soil Databases.
lang: R
stars: 76
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