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A modular, extensible, industrial-strength and field-tested platform for use in electricity, water and other utility operations.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 35
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Energy Management for Home Assistant, is a Python module designed to optimize your home energy interfacing with Home Assistant.
lang: Python
stars: 201
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Provides an extensive data model capable of modeling energy systems with high granularity e.g. for bottom-up simulations.
lang: Java
stars: 17
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The goal of this project is to analyze and present resource consumption data to users empowering them to conserve and save money.
lang: JavaScript
stars: 68
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Provides a rigorous data model using Julia structures to enable power systems analysis and modeling.
lang: Julia
stars: 291
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Provides an optimization model for the electricity market and its coupling with other energy sectors (e.g., hydrogen, heat, natural gas, etc.) with the main objective to determine the optimal investment and operation decisions for different types of assets.
lang: Julia
stars: 14
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A Python library to generate and simulate a large number of microgrids.
lang: Python
stars: 51
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A model of the European electricity system built using Calliope.
lang: Python
stars: 31
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Open Energy Modelling Framework - A Python toolbox for energy system modeling and optimization. A community driven, modular, flexible and generic software project.
lang: Python
stars: 88
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Contains tools for two databases maintained by iTEM, the International Transport Energy Modeling consortium.
lang: Python
stars: 22
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A Python client for the ENTSO-E API (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity).
lang: Python
stars: 372
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Light-weight version of Aarhus RE Atlas for converting weather data to power systems data.
lang: Python
stars: 236
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Low-cost & OEM agnostic GSM prepaid smart energy meter with a customizable API.
lang: HTML
stars: 14
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An application to aggregate energy consumption data across several municipal assets and report usage to monitor and manage emissions.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 7
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An open source framework written in Java, that makes it easy to write complex software for power systems simulations and analysis.
lang: Java
stars: 119
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