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A website dedicated to organizing groups of people to clean up the world we live in. Users create cleanup events, publicize them, and recruit people to join up, as well as ask for assistance from communities and partners.
lang: C#
stars: 10
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A Python package that uses standardized facility release and generation data to create regionalized life cycle inventory (LCI) models for the generation, mix of generation, mix of consumption, and distribution of electricity to end users for the US, with embedded system processes of upstream fuel production and infrastructure.
lang: Python
stars: 25
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An initiative that offers an easy way for people to swap clothes with others in their own neighborhood.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 26
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An open source and free software for Life Cycle Assessment extending the brightway2 framework.
lang: JavaScript
stars: 148
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This is an unofficial and unsupported Python library to get ecoinvent data, a life cycle inventory database for fuels, energy, chemicals and plastics, batteries, building and construction, waste, agriculture, forestry and wood, pulp and paper, metals, and transport.
lang: Python
stars: 15
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A web application that aims to illustrate how hazardous waste management software can interface with EPA's e-Manifest systems to track hazardous waste electronically from cradle-to-grave.
lang: Python
stars: 48
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