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Global Superstructure/Workflow currently supporting the Finite-Volume on a Cubed-Sphere Global Forecast System.
lang: Shell
stars: 70
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An open source project and Python package that provides verification metrics of deterministic (and probabilistic from properscoring) forecasts with xarray.
lang: Python
stars: 215
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A software framework for supporting the efficient development, construction, execution, and scientific interpretation of atmospheric, oceanic, and climate system models.
lang: Fortran
stars: 87
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An open source Python application for downloading, processing, and delivering surface water maps derived from remote sensing data.
lang: Python
stars: 156
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A global atmosphere model targeted towards 3 km ("cloud resolving") resolution.
lang: Fortran
stars: 70
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Stochastically creates Earth System Model-specific spatio-temporally correlated climate variable field realizations at a negligible computational cost.
lang: Python
stars: 22
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Used to generate experiments using the JEDI data assimilation system and NASA's Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) numerical weather forecast mode.
lang: Python
stars: 14
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Stands for CLIMate ADAptation and is a probabilistic natural catastrophe impact model, that also calculates averted damage (benefit) thanks to adaptation measures of any kind (from grey to green infrastructure, behavioural, etc.).
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 291
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A state-of-the-art fully coupled model of the Earth's climate including important biogeochemical and cryospheric processes.
lang: Fortran
stars: 336
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An accessor for xarray objects that interprets CF attributes.
lang: Python
stars: 147
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A collection of scripted tools developed to inform risk analytics for the World Bank's Country Climate and Development Report risk screening activities.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 12
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Perform topography-based downscaling of climate data to the hillslope scale.
lang: Python
stars: 33
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A series of command-line tools to make common data engineering tasks easier for researchers in climate and weather.
lang: Python
stars: 196
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Access and analyze historical weather and climate data with Python.
lang: Python
stars: 352
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A versatile, dynamic systems-optimization modeling framework developed by the IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment (ECE) Program since the 1980s.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 107
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