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The Community Land Model is the land model for the Community Earth System Model, which formalises and quantifies concepts of ecological climatology.
lang: Fortran
stars: 308
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A Python package of mathematical functions for the verification, evaluation and optimisation of forecasts, predictions or models, primarily supporting the meteorological, climatological and geoscientific communities.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 81
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A global atmosphere model targeted towards 3 km ("cloud resolving") resolution.
lang: Unknown
stars: 80
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Provide map data which revolutionises disaster management, reduces risks, and contributes to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
lang: HTML
stars: 66
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An open source Python application for downloading, processing, and delivering surface water maps derived from remote sensing data.
lang: Python
stars: 165
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Aims to provide a modern framework to investigate integrated assessment models of sustainable development, based on current software engineering and scientific machine learning techniques.
lang: Julia
stars: 66
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Global Superstructure/Workflow currently supporting the Finite-Volume on a Cubed-Sphere Global Forecast System.
lang: Shell
stars: 75
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A collection of scripted tools developed to inform risk analytics for the World Bank's Country Climate and Development Report risk screening activities.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 17
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A Python package for tackling diverse environmental prediction tasks with neural processes.
lang: Python
stars: 89
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Provide a better understanding of the degree of impact flood events can have on physical assets like buildings, roads, railways, transmission lines, etc.
lang: Python
stars: 15
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A powerful, format-agnostic, community-driven Python package for analyzing and visualizing Earth science data.
lang: Python
stars: 635
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Designed to be used by researchers and public health professionals to forecast and assess the impact of climate on health outcomes.
lang: Python
stars: 10
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A climate change scenario-building analysis framework, built with Intake-esm catalogs and xarray-based packages such as xclim and xESMF.
lang: Python
stars: 15
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An extension of xarray for climate data analysis on structured grids.
lang: Python
stars: 116
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