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A model that predicts plant growth over time given crop-specific parameters and environmental data as input.
lang: C++
stars: 41
last activity:
An open source, object-oriented, simple global climate carbon-cycle model.
lang: C++
stars: 111
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A cross-platform collection of software tools to support whole building energy modeling using EnergyPlus and advanced daylight analysis using Radiance.
lang: C++
stars: 133
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A modular system to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and removals by the land sector.
lang: C++
stars: 57
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Houses the land-ice component of the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Exascale Earth System Model known as MPAS-Albany Land Ice.
lang: C++
stars: 286
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ISO-11783 stack for smart agricultural machinery communication.
lang: C++
stars: 194
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This software enables EV battery packs to be used for stationary storage in combination with solar inverters.
lang: C++
stars: 1.2K
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A library for simulating wind and marine hydrokinetic turbines in OpenFOAM using the actuator line method.
lang: C++
stars: 116
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A unique chemistry module that can be implemented in any atmosphere model used at NCAR.
lang: C++
stars: 6
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Open-Source Software with advanced GUI features and CAD tools for electrical power system studies.
lang: C++
stars: 54
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A software environment for modeling and simulation of complex landscape systems.
lang: C++
stars: 28
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A software system designed and architected to support next-generation fisheries stock assessment, ecosystem, and socioeconomic modeling.
lang: C++
stars: 16
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A radiative transfer model for the millimeter and sub-millimeter spectral range.
lang: C++
stars: 65
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A library for steady-state distribution power system analysis distributed for Python and C.
lang: C++
stars: 144
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This framework includes an encapsulation strategy which focuses on the hydrologic data first, and then builds a functional abstraction of hydrologic behavior.
lang: C++
stars: 84
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