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Holds a list of open source Python packages interesting to Hydrologists.
lang: Python
stars: 426
last activity:
A library for satellite image processing providing all of the functionality necessary for retrieving, and storing EUMETSAT data.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 41
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A python package to retrieve and process historical emissions data of the National Electricity Market, reproduced by datasets published by the Australian Energy Market Operator.
lang: Python
stars: 12
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A collaborative website for better access to data and models in the hydrologic sciences.
lang: Python
stars: 186
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A python package that downloads recent and archived numerical weather prediction model output from different cloud archive sources.
lang: Python
stars: 491
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Simple parser for soil properties measurements.
lang: Python
stars: 31
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An Open Optimisation Model of the Earth Energy System.
lang: Python
stars: 239
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Download and process German energy data from BNetzA database Marktstammdatenregister.
lang: Python
stars: 87
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Provides a message passing interface to enable different subsystem models to communicate water flux and water quality information between each other, and self-contained representations of the key parts of the water cycle.
lang: Python
stars: 13
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Fast and flexible physics-based battery models in Python.
lang: Python
stars: 1.1K
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An extension of xarray for climate data analysis on structured grids.
lang: Python
stars: 116
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A collaboration server to plan atmospheric research flights.
lang: Python
stars: 61
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An open source project for working with ocean wave spectral data.
lang: Python
stars: 68
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Download and process GOES-16 and GOES-17 data from NOAA's archive on AWS using Python.
lang: Python
stars: 200
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A library of derived climate variables, i.e. climate indicators, based on xarray.
lang: Python
stars: 330
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