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The Community Land Model is the land model for the Community Earth System Model, which formalises and quantifies concepts of ecological climatology.
lang: Fortran
stars: 302
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Simulates customisable water allocation and operation rules throughout complex multi-purpose managed water systems at each user-defined time-step.
lang: Python
stars: 142
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A water resources model, designed to be the replacement of the regional surface water modules Mozart and SIMRES in the Netherlands Hydrological Instrument.
lang: Julia
stars: 34
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An open-source Python framework for the analysis of groundwater time series.
lang: Python
stars: 351
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Flood inundation mapping and evaluation software configured to work with U.S. National Water Model.
lang: Python
stars: 87
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Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.
lang: Python
stars: 28
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A collaborative website for better access to data and models in the hydrologic sciences.
lang: Python
stars: 178
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Creation of flood inundation raster libraries and rating curves from HEC-RAS models.
lang: Python
stars: 46
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