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See your city's air pollution measured in daily cigarettes.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 484
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A directory and analysis of the open source ecosystem in the areas of climate change, energy, biodiversity and natural resources.
lang: Unknown
stars: 2.1K
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Explore how your values and personal interests are being affected by climate change and shows you attractive solutions exist that you may not be aware of.
lang: Python
stars: 18
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Allows you to calculate your work related CO2e emissions from heating and electricity consumptions as well as business trips and commuting.
lang: HTML
stars: 6
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Geospatial processing toolbox for environmental and climate studies.
lang: Groovy
stars: 59
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Discover a meaningful way to contribute to open source projects focused on climate technology and sustainability.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 36
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A tool to identify disadvantaged communities due to environmental, socioeconomic and health burdens.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 133
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A k8s operator to reduce CO2 footprint of your clusters.
lang: Go
stars: 1.1K
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Fast and friendly fluid dynamics on CPUs and GPUs.
lang: Julia
stars: 1.0K
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A philanthropically funded system to help people manage their local marine ecosystems in the face of increasing Ocean temperatures.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 34
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A free software toolbox for simulating and optimizing modern power systems that include features such as conventional generators with unit commitment, variable wind and solar generation, storage units, coupling to other energy sectors, and mixed alternating and direct current networks.
lang: Python
stars: 1.2K
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Independent Climate Accounting Network in support of Paris Agreement goals.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 41
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These tools help you to assess if a financial portfolio aligns with climate goals.
lang: R
stars: 12
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Open Energy Dashboard is a user-friendly way to display energy information from smart energy meter.
lang: JavaScript
stars: 87
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The mission of Project Drawdown is to help the world reach "Drawdown"— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.
lang: Python
stars: 216
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