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Independent Climate Accounting Network in support of Paris Agreement goals.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 41
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A list of public weather stations everyone can edit and share.
lang: Python
stars: 59
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Create daily survey station daily temperature and anomaly plots as the ships work their way through the Bering Sea.
lang: R
stars: 7
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Aims to be the primary package used to analyze output from initialized dynamical forecast models, ranging from short-term weather forecasts to long-term climate forecasts.
lang: Python
stars: 241
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A library for building atmospheric circulation models that is designed from the outset to leverage data assimilation and machine learning tools.
lang: Julia
stars: 82
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A Python package of mathematical functions for the verification, evaluation and optimisation of forecasts, predictions or models, primarily supporting the meteorological, climatological and geoscientific communities.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 81
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A Python library and a command line interface tool for estimating CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions from water reservoirs.
lang: Python
stars: 3
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A directory and analysis of the open source ecosystem in the areas of climate change, energy, biodiversity and natural resources.
lang: Unknown
stars: 2.1K
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Perform topography-based downscaling of climate data to the hillslope scale.
lang: Python
stars: 43
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Fast and friendly fluid dynamics on CPUs and GPUs.
lang: Julia
stars: 1.1K
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Norwegian Earth System Model and Documentation.
lang: Python
stars: 34
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A collection of scripted tools developed to inform risk analytics for the World Bank's Country Climate and Development Report risk screening activities.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 18
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The mission of Project Drawdown is to help the world reach "Drawdown"— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.
lang: Python
stars: 216
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Discover a meaningful way to contribute to open source projects focused on climate technology and sustainability.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 36
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The Community Land Model is the land model for the Community Earth System Model, which formalises and quantifies concepts of ecological climatology.
lang: Fortran
stars: 308
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