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Low-cost & OEM agnostic GSM prepaid smart energy meter with a customizable API.
lang: HTML
stars: 14
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A global atmosphere model targeted towards 3 km ("cloud resolving") resolution.
lang: Fortran
stars: 69
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See your city's air pollution measured in daily cigarettes.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 474
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Geospatial processing toolbox for environmental and climate studies.
lang: Groovy
stars: 49
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A modular, extensible, industrial-strength and field-tested platform for use in electricity, water and other utility operations.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 35
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Estimating the energy consumption of CI / CD pipelines on GitHub and GitLab.
lang: Shell
stars: 21
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The Koster Seafloor Observatory is an open-source, citizen science and machine learning approach to analyse subsea movies.
lang: Python
stars: 4
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The Toolkit for Extreme Climate Analysis, contains a collection of climate anlysis algorithms targetted at extreme event detection and analysis.
lang: C++
stars: 52
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Download and process German energy data from BNetzA database Marktstammdatenregister.
lang: Python
stars: 74
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Download and process GOES-16 and GOES-17 data from NOAA's archive on AWS using Python.
lang: Python
stars: 163
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A tool for estimating the future energy use, carbon emissions, and capital and operating cost impacts of energy efficiency and demand flexibility technologies in the U.S. residential and commercial building sectors.
lang: Python
stars: 57
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Groundwater Wells and Aquifers application for the Ministry of Environment in British Columbia.
lang: Python
stars: 27
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A tool to quickly and easily create inputs for power systems models.
lang: Python
stars: 186
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An R library that extracts information from Atlantic and east Pacific hurricanes and tropical storms.
lang: R
stars: 21
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R package for analysis and visualisation of biological signals in weather radar data.
lang: R
stars: 27
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