BullhornWe are launching OpenClimate.Fund

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We seek to embed sustainable practices into WordPress to ensure the longevity of the project.
lang: Unknown
stars: 19
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Stochastically creates Earth System Model-specific spatio-temporally correlated climate variable field realizations at a negligible computational cost.
lang: Python
stars: 25
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Plant phenotyping using computer vision.
lang: Python
stars: 658
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A wide-reaching, inclusive and approachable program aimed to introduce computational methods for climate science.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 25
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Aspires to identify key research gaps and opportunities at the intersection of agricultural modelling and machine learning research and support enhanced collaboration and engagement between experts in these disciplines.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 20
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Provides an optimization model for the electricity market and its coupling with other energy sectors (e.g., hydrogen, heat, natural gas, etc.) with the main objective to determine the optimal investment and operation decisions for different types of assets.
lang: Julia
stars: 27
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Analysis of Paleoclimate Data.
lang: Python
stars: 93
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A collection of Julia packages forming a toolkit meant to deal with species distribution data.
lang: Julia
stars: 14
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A testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.
lang: Python
stars: 294
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An open source project for working with ocean wave spectral data.
lang: Python
stars: 68
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Developed collaboratively and mostly reusing existing open-source components, VEDA consolidates GIS delivery mechanisms, processing platforms, analysis services, and visualization tools and provides an ecosystem of open tools for addressing Earth science research and application needs through the public-facing VEDA Dashboard.
lang: TypeScript
stars: 26
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An R package for automatic download and preprocessing of MODIS Land Products Time-Series.
lang: R
stars: 152
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Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.
lang: Python
stars: 39
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A community learning resource for Python-based computing in the geosciences.
lang: Jupyter Notebook
stars: 63
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A Python wrapper to setup and run the hydrologic modelling framework Raven.
lang: Python
stars: 27
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