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A collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
lang: Python
stars: 1.2K
last activity:
A collaboration server to plan atmospheric research flights.
lang: Python
stars: 54
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radis / radis
A fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra.
lang: Python
stars: 197
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A unique chemistry module that can be implemented in any atmosphere model used at NCAR.
lang: C++
stars: 6
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An open international initiative of scientists interested in the advancement of the understanding of the global aerosol and its impact on climate.
lang: Python
stars: 20
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Data-driven approach for forecasting global weather using graph neural network.
lang: Python
stars: 163
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This package makes it easier to search for and download multiple months/years of historical weather data from the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) website.
lang: R
stars: 100
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Visualization and postprocessing of the WRF and ERA5 data.
lang: NCL
stars: 49
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A library of algorithms for meteorological post-processing and verification.
lang: Python
stars: 96
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Pythonic particle-based warm-rain/aqueous-chemistry cloud microphysics package.
lang: Python
stars: 45
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An R package to select, download and read climate data from the German Weather Service.
lang: R
stars: 67
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A list of public weather stations everyone can edit and share.
lang: Python
stars: 53
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A python package that downloads recent and archived numerical weather prediction model output from different cloud archive sources.
lang: Python
stars: 371
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Used to determine where precipitation originally evaporated (backtracking), or where evaporated moisture eventually ends up (forward tracking).
lang: Python
stars: 33
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A radiative transfer model for the millimeter and sub-millimeter spectral range.
lang: C++
stars: 56
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